Today was a great day. Not because I did something earth shattering, but because I did a series of things that might possibly lead to something great. Do you ever have those days where you feel like you're in the "flow"? David Allen, author of Getting Things Done coined the phrase - the flow of productivity. As I reflect on my day, I'm reminded of how great it feels to be productive. Productive with the things in life that produce results - the results that ultimately lead to reaching goals. You might ask, what was different about today than yesterday? I made my to-do list, prepared for my appointments and as a result, experienced success. Focusing on my tasks AND keeping the big-picture in mind...what a combination. Can you pursue your purpose AND profit, embrace your fixed values AND necessary change, how about remaining visionary AND executing the details well? That's what I'm striving for Willis. Learning from experiences and building on those experiences day after day. Tiger Woods has a famous saying about Tomorrow, "My goal tomorrow is to be better than I was today...a better golfer, better husband, better father and a better human being." I think it's possible. Will it take work? Absolutely. Will I wake up in the morning and feel like only giving 80 percent? Maybe. Will I find a way to be better tomorrow? Yes.
The task of being better tomorrow might feel daunting. It does to me. I'm strengthened by the feeling I have right now...being productive with the right things, keeping the big-picture in mind AND enjoying every minute of it. My hope is that you have this feeling on a regular for me, I'm in!!! Until next time, may your today be better than yesterday and your tomorrow better than today...take a moment and share your today with someone you love.